
Eggs flying here and there…Kursplat! You slowly look up to notice a strange white and yellow gooey mess on your little virtual head. Oh the joys of April fools on Fantage!

april fools 2Go ahead and buy these cute egg tossing outfits. One for a non-member as usual

april fools 1I think Cherry confused the egg with a pokeball…SHE TRIED TO CATCH THEM ALL!

april fools 3Go Downtown and crank this jack in the box. Remember, cranking the box will result into prizes. So what are you waiting for? GET CRANKING!

April fools 4If you travel around Fantage, you will notice some interesting sights that wasn’t just like before… Go ahead and find your favorite joke that Fantage has put on so far!

april fools 6Here is another Joke Fantage has made. The first person to comment where I am will receive a password of one of the three letter characters I’ve made. (Cherry, you are not allowed to participate)

April Fools 7IF you go to certain parts of Fantage, you will see lots of the famous Fantage characters. If you click on them, they will plant crazy gags on you (notice my crazy eyes).

april fools 8Last but not least, the limited items cart! I think al items are for premium members…as usual.


~ You Awesome Sauce Chip, RedSparkle